Think Composting - dedication to the organic full circle

Press Conference for the project in Strumica, Macedonia

The Center for development of the South-East planning region on 07.02.2017 at the Business hall in Hotel Sirius in Strumica at 12:00 p.m. held its first press conference for the project "Think Composting – Dedication to the organic full circle"


The first press conference was held to inform the public for the project, the goal of the project, the activities, the expected results, the process of composting such as the benefits from it.

Within the press conference the Director of the Center for development of the South-East planning region Ms. Zhulieta Gjurkova has briefly presented the project, the process of composting, how this project will achieve its goal by raising public awareness for reducing the garbage with its processing and re-use, thus we will gain healthier and cleaner environment.

During the press conference the following topics were presented: the project activities which are aimed to promote the benefits of composting including the preparation of promotional video and brochures, organization of Info days, workshops, studies, trainings for composting in the Cross-border region.

Within the project will be procured 800 composters of which 400 will be allocated to households in the South- East planning region and the remaining 400 households in the region of project partners - Southwest Region, R.Bulgaria, Blagoevgrad.

The distribution of the composters will be implemented through an open call and info days will be organized for the awarded inhabitants in order to gain better understanding of the process and proper utilization of the composters

Two studies are planned for "Analyze of the potentials for composting in the cross-border region". The studies will include information for the potentials of composting that our region have, such as the benefits from the use of this process.

In continuation of the event followed up questions and discussions with the attendees about the shared information for the project.


„Think Composting - dedication to the organic full circle“ – the project is co-funded by EU trough the INTERREG - IPA Cross-border Programme CCI 2014TC16I5CB006 ;

Reference No CB006.1.11.013

The website is co-funded by EU trough the INTERREG - IPA Cross-border Programme CCI 2014TC16I5CB006
This website has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of the publications are the sole responsibility of the partners -Association of South-Western Municipalities and Centre for development of the South – East planning region for the project “Think Composting – dedication to the organic full circle” with Reference No CB006.1.11.013 and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.