At an official ceremony held on 04.06.2018, the Minister of Environment and Water Neno Dimov and the mayors of the municipalities of Kostinbrod, Bozhurishte, Godech, Dragoman, Slivnitsa and Svoge from Regional Waste Management Association - Kostinbrod region signed a contract for grants for the design and construction of four waste treatment installations under the project "Design and construction of composting installations and of a pre-treatment installation for municipal waste on the territory of RWMA Kostinbrod".
The project is of regional significance, since it covers six municipalities from Sofia region - Kostinbrod Municipality, Bozhurishte Municipality, Godech Municipality, Dragoman Municipality, Slivnitsa Municipality and Svoge Municipality. The population of the project implementation area is 63410 permanent residents in the municipalities of RWMA - Kostinbrod according to NSI data as of 2017, representing 27.40% of the total population of the Sofia region.
The main objective is to reduce the amount of landfilled waste from the established Regional Depot for Non-hazardous and Inert Waste for the municipalities of the Bogyovtsi village by providing additional capacity for pre-treatment of mixed waste and for separate collection and recycling by composting green waste.
The project has been funded under the grant procedure BG16M1OP002-2.002 under Priority Axis 2 "Waste" of Operational Program "Environment 2014-2020" and is worth BGN 17 399 308,80.