The Association of South-Western Municipality is going to award with 400 composters for home use only for the citizens at the following municipalities: Bansko, Belitsa, Goce Delchev, Garmen, Kresna, Petrich, Razlog, Sandanski, Satovcha, Simitli, Strumiyani, Hadzhidimovo, Boboshevo, Kocherinovo, Rila, Treklyano.
Public call for awarding composters
The Centre for development of the South-East planning region, within the project "Think Composting – dedication to the organic full circle" no. CB006.1.11.013 implemented in cooperation with the Association of Southwestern Municipalities, R. Bulgaria announces a public call for awarding 400 composters in the South-East region in the municipalities: Bogdanci, Bosilovo, Valandovo, Vasilevo, Gevgelija, Dojran, Konche, Novo Selo, Radovish and Strumica.
The training about composting will be on 6th and 7th July in Strumitsa, Macedonia
The Lead partner of the project will be the host of the training. The venue is hotel Sirius in city of Strumitsa, Macedonia.
The training will be separated into 4 modules; each of it will be presented by Bulgarian or Macedonian expert.
Project meeting in Bulgaria
On 6th June 2017, in the premises of the Association of South-Western Municipalities,