Think Composting - dedication to the organic full circle

Public call for awarding composters

The Centre for development of the South-East planning region, within the project "Think Composting – dedication to the organic full circle" no. CB006.1.11.013 implemented in cooperation with the Association of Southwestern Municipalities, R. Bulgaria announces a public call for awarding 400 composters in the South-East region in the municipalities: Bogdanci, Bosilovo, Valandovo, Vasilevo, Gevgelija, Dojran, Konche, Novo Selo, Radovish and Strumica.


„Think Composting - dedication to the organic full circle“ – the project is co-funded by EU trough the INTERREG - IPA Cross-border Programme CCI 2014TC16I5CB006 ;

Reference No CB006.1.11.013

The website is co-funded by EU trough the INTERREG - IPA Cross-border Programme CCI 2014TC16I5CB006
This website has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of the publications are the sole responsibility of the partners -Association of South-Western Municipalities and Centre for development of the South – East planning region for the project “Think Composting – dedication to the organic full circle” with Reference No CB006.1.11.013 and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.